What is Title IX?

第九条是一项联邦法律,它保护与接受联邦财政援助的任何机构有关的所有个人免受任何形式的性别歧视和骚扰, including sexual violence – specifically, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment.

It is the policy of LaGrange College to maintain an environment for students, faculty, administrators, staff, volunteers, and visitors that is free of all forms of discrimination and harassment, including sexual misconduct. The College has enacted a Sexual Misconduct Policy to reflect and maintain its institutional values and community expectations, 提供公平和公正的程序,以确定何时违反本政策, 并为个人和社区提供应对违反本政策的选择. A copy of the policy can be found at http://zwgxyn.taxidalat24h.net/about/safety-and-security/sexual-misconduct/index.html


Who is responsible for Title IX compliance at LaGrange College?

威尼斯人娱乐城的第九章协调员监督学院遵守所有第九章相关事宜, including the investigation of complaints.

Title IX Coordinator:

Dr. Maranah Sauter


Will I be contacted by the College if my child reports a Title IX complaint?

第九条协调员不得与第九条调查中任何相关方的父母或监护人联系. 《威尼斯人娱乐城》(FERPA)禁止学院这样做。. Under FERPA, 如果孩子在接受高等教育,父母无法查看孩子的教育记录, 无论年龄大小,除非孩子通过FERPA豁免获得父母/监护人的书面许可.


May I contact the Title IX Coordinator?

第九条协调员可以回答有关学院第九条政策和程序的任何一般性问题. However, in order to discuss specifics of a Title IX incident, process, or outcome with a parent or legal guardian, 你的孩子需要提供一份书面弃权书,明确允许第九条协调员直接与你交谈. Your child can request a FERPA waiver from the Title IX Coordinator.


Will local law enforcement be contacted regarding a Title IX complaint?

学院不允许代表您的孩子向当地执法机构报告第九条投诉. 只有指控性行为不端的人可以决定通知或不通知执法部门. However, 学院强烈鼓励所有个人在发生不当性行为事件后立即向执法部门寻求协助. 学院将帮助任何威尼斯人娱乐城社区成员到达他们感到安全的地方,避免直接的危险.

In addition, at the request of a student, 学院将安排前往医院的交通,并协助与执法部门协调.


How is a Title IX Investigation different from a criminal investigation?

执法部门的刑事调查旨在确定个人是否违反了刑法. In contrast, 学院进行的第九条调查确定被告是否违反了学院关于性行为不端的政策,以及什么纪律处分可能是适当的. 个人有权通过向第九条协调员提出正式投诉,同时通过当地执法部门提出刑事指控,对学院进行调查. 报告方可以选择仅向学院或仅向当地执法部门提出投诉. The processes are not mutually exclusive.



Upon receipt of a report of alleged Prohibited Conduct, 学院将提供合理和适当的支持性措施,旨在消除任何现有的敌对环境并保护所有相关方. 学院将尽合理努力与各方沟通,确保一切安全, emotional, and physical well-being concerns are being addressed. 无论指控性行为不端的人是否提出正式投诉,都可以实施支持性措施, 无论犯罪是否报告给校园安全或当地执法部门.


What are supportive measures available to my childundefined?

Supportive Measures are non-disciplinary services offered as appropriate, reasonably available, 在提交正式投诉之前或之后,或没有提交正式投诉的情况下,对指控性行为不端的人和被指控对所报告的性行为不端负责的人都不收取费用或收费. 这些支持性措施旨在恢复或维护平等参与学院教育项目或活动的机会,而不会给性行为不端的指控者和被指控对所报告的性行为不端负责的人造成不合理的负担, 包括旨在保护各方或学院教育环境的安全或防止性骚扰的措施.

Supportive measures may include no- contact directives, changes in class or work schedules, changes in College-owned living arrangements, or any other supportive measures that the College deems appropriate. Likewise, 学院可以与报到的学生合作,为其提供校内咨询服务, provide information regarding off-campus services, increased security monitoring, additional academic support, or even withdrawal from class (or classes) without penalty.



All investigations will be conducted in a timely and impartial manner. 通常,调查需要几周到几个月的时间才能完成. However, 双方将被告知完成该过程的预计时间表,并在出现重大延误时得到通知.



Listen – If your child chooses to disclose a traumatic experience to you, trust that they chose you for a reason. The most helpful thing you can do is listen to what they have to say. Listening can be as simple as being there as they process the situation on their own. Do not worry if you are unsure exactly what to say. It is more important to make sure they feel heard, and that they can communicate with you without fear of judgment.

Validate – Acknowledge your child’s feelings of sadness, fear, anger, or confusion. Let them know that these feelings are normal.

Refer & Support – Be engaged, but be patient. 你的孩子应该有足够的空间去做他们自己想做的事情, including what resources they want to access. 提出备选方案,然后支持他们寻求适当的资源,这是很有帮助的.

Take Care of Yourself – You may be experiencing many of your own emotions and thoughts, and it is critical that you take care of yourself. 这意味着知道并表达你在支持你的孩子和所爱的人方面的界限和限制,并意识到你自己的创伤经历. Seek out support services in your area if necessary.


What campus and community resources are available to support my child?

On-Campus Resources:

  • Ratoya Mason, M.A – Director of Counseling (706-880-8177; rmason3@taxidalat24h.net)
  • Rev. Ashley Jenkins – Chaplain and Director of Spiritual Life (706-880-8004; ajenkins@taxidalat24h.net)

Off-Campus Resources:

  • Harmony House, 24-hour hotline, 706-885-1525
  • 威尼斯人娱乐城警察局,紧急情况911,家庭暴力调查员,706-883-2606
  • Sexual Assault Support Center (Columbus, GA), Crisis Line 706-571-6010
  • West GA Rape Crisis Center (Carrollton, GA), Crisis Line 770-834-7273
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline, 800-799-7233
  • Domestic Abuse Helpline, 888-742-5754