Whistleblower Policy & Campus Conduct Hotline

This Policy is designed to protect members of the College community (i.e., board members, faculty, staff, volunteers, students, vendors, alumni, applicant) from retaliation, who in good faith, 举报机构或机构内部的违法行为或涉嫌违法行为, fraudulent, unethical or in violation of any adopted policy of the college.

Purpose and Applicability

本文件的目的是阐明威尼斯人娱乐城关于披露与会计或审计事项有关的不当行为的政策, 以及报告严重违反大学政策的行为,并保护大学社区成员免受不利就业和其他行动形式的报复,因为他们披露了个人认为可以证明某些非法行为的证据.  This policy is applicable to all college community members, including board members, employees, volunteers, students, vendors, alumnae of LaGrange College and to applicants for jobs at LaGrange College.

Statement of Policy

威尼斯人娱乐城的政策是,学院社区成员可以自由而不必担心遭到报复,对他或她合理认为存在于学院内的涉嫌不当行为提出指控,构成以下内容, mail fraud, bank fraud, securities fraud or questionable accounting, internal controls and auditing matters.  此外,学院的政策是,所有学院社区成员都可以自由地提出指控,而不必担心遭到报复,指控他或她有理由认为存在于学院内的所谓不当行为违反了威尼斯人娱乐城的既定政策, procedures or legal obligations.

Retaliation for disclosures made under this policy may result in suspension, termination, cancellation of the applicable vendor contract, removal from campus or any other action the institution deems necessary.  故意提供有关实际或潜在违反本政策的虚假信息也可能导致本政策规定的纪律处分, including suspension, termination, cancellation of the applicable vendor contract, removal from campus or any other action the institution deems necessary.

Process for Disclosure

大学社区成员应向以下指定的招生官员披露有关不当行为的所有相关信息, in accordance with the subject matter of the disclosure:

Subject Matter

Intake Officer

Disability Violations   

Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;


John Head, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services


Lucinda Muncy, Director of Human Resources



Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;


John Head, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services


Lucinda Muncy, Director of Human Resources


Environmental Hazards/Unsafe Workplace Conditions 

Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;


Faculty/Staff Handbook Violation

Brian Peterson, Vice President of Academic Affairs


Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;


Lucinda Muncy, Director of Human Resources


Financial Improprieties/ Fraudulent Accounting (including but not limited to:
wire fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud,
securities fraud or questionable accounting,
internal controls, and auditing matters)

Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;



Illegal/Unethical Business Practices

Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;


Athletic Rules Violation

Terlynn Olds, Vice President for Athletics and Recreation


Safety/Security Issues

John Head, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services


Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;


Student Handbook Violation

John Head, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services


Wrongful Termination

Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;


Lucinda Muncy, Director of Human Resources


Other Conduct

Jerry Forster, Interim Vice President for Finance and Operations;


If the disclosure is by a Vice President it shall be made to the President, unless the complaint involves the President, in which case the complaint shall be to the Chair of the Board.

If the disclosure of misconduct involves the designated intake officer, the disclosure shall be directed to the President, unless the complaint involves the President, in which case the complaint shall be to the Chair of the Board.

If the disclosure involves a member of the Board of Trustees, the disclosure may be directed to the President or the Chair of the Board.

The disclosure may be made in writing or orally.  In all cases, 报告方应就具体问题提供尽可能多的细节以及任何支持资料.  报告方不需要提供其姓名,但如果出现其他问题,可能需要提供姓名和联系信息.

In addition, 该机构采用了另一种报告可疑欺诈事件的方法, illegal or improper actions. Campus Conduct Hotline866-943-5787, is a confidential, 独立的电话服务,为所有大学社区成员提供一个简单和匿名的方式来披露机构或机构内部的非法行为或可疑行为, fraudulent, unethical or in violation of any adopted policy of the college.

欺诈和滥用有可能通过不了解某一特定情况的所有相关事实和情况的人提供的信息被发现.  The institution will, to the best of its ability, 以公平和不偏不倚的态度,妥善调查所有可靠的不当行为举报.

Knowingly providing false information in relation to a complaint, investigation, hearing or other event under this policy, or intentionally withholds information without an appropriate basis for doing so, he or she will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination or expulsion.


对任何根据本政策提出投诉的威尼斯人娱乐城社区成员进行报复, or who in good faith reports impermissible activities, or the warning signs thereof, or who raises any other concern under this policy to an administrator, or who refers a matter for complaint or investigation, or who participates in the complaint, investigation or hearing process under this policy, is prohibited. 

The term “retaliation” includes discriminating against, 虐待或对根据本政策向管理员提出投诉或根据本政策向管理员提出任何其他问题的人采取不利的雇佣行动, or who referred a matter for complaint or investigation, or who participated in the complaint, investigation or hearing process under this policy.

For purposes of this policy, an "adverse employment action" shall be defined as actions including discharge, demotion, suspension, being threatened or harassed, or in any other manner discriminated against with respect to compensation, terms, conditions or privileges of employment.  Other adverse actions include: dismissing, suspending or disciplining a student or changing or lowering a grade or evaluation of a student or in any other manner negatively affecting the student’s academic career; terminating or threatening to terminate a customer or vendor relationship; and discriminating against or mistreating an alumni or volunteer. 本政策不禁止雇佣行动或任何其他行动,无论本政策下的信息披露如何.

如果大学社区成员认为他或她因在本政策下披露有关不当行为的信息而受到不利就业或其他行动的报复, 他或她可以向有关官员提出书面申诉,要求给予适当的补救.

进行报复的大学社区成员将受到纪律处分, up to and including termination or expulsion.


学院将在法律允许的范围内对报告方的身份和报告方提供的信息保密, college policy, and the legitimate needs of the investigation. 如果报告方的身份或提供的信息的保密性必须披露, the reporting party will be given notice.

请注意,如果员工在官方调查程序之外,通过自己的行为直接或间接地透露了自己的身份或其他与报告相关的信息, the College is not obligated to maintain confidentiality.

Campus Conduct Hotline

Call 866-943-5787

Campus Conduct Hotline is a confidential, independent, call-in service that provides a simple, 以匿名的方式帮助您维护我们机构的价值和声誉.  你的一个电话就可以提醒学校管理部门可能影响到整个校园社区的问题.

How does Campus Conduct Hotline work?

When you call Campus Conduct Hotline you will speak to a friendly, trained specialist who will guide you through the details of your concern.  你会得到一个案件编号供你参考,所以你的电话将是完全匿名的. No information will be taken about you, so you will never be identified.

Your concerns will be submitted to the campus administration for investigation. Using your case number, 你可以随时拨打校园行为热线查询调查情况,并了解已采取的任何行动.

When you use Campus Conduct Hotline, your call will be:

  • Confidential and anonymous
  • Answered by a masters’-degreed specialist in psychology or social service
  • Handled with support and sensitivity
  • Reported to the administration for investigation
  • Assigned a case number you can use to follow-up on the status of your concern

When should you call Campus Conduct Hotline?

Campus Conduct Hotline offers an easy, 以一种舒适的方式报告你在校园里观察到或经历到的有害活动或行为, unethical, questionable, or causes you or someone else personal injury. 如果你遇到或观察到以下任何情况,你应该拨打校园行为热线:

  • Fraud or crime
  • Sexual harassment
  • Discrimination
  • Safety or facility risk issues
  • Security and Internet policy abuses
  • Code of Conduct violations
  • Workplace hostility
  • Unethical grading practices
  • Fraudulent financial or business practices
  • Any other questionable behavior